When the player picked up a weapon in Multiplayer.When selecting a Specialist in the Specialist Draft.While freezing in the water in Icebreaker.When a Nomad player left the game after using their Mesh Mines.When a Firebreak player left the game after using their Reactor Core.Endurance Chaos Moshpit remains in Featured Category (PS4).Hardcore Mercenary Moshpit added to Featured Category (Hardcore Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed and Domination, no parties allowed).Mercenary Moshpit added to Featured Category (Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint and Domination, no parties allowed).

TDM 100 added to Featured Category (Team Deathmatch with a score limit of 100).

Players can now equip Mastercraft camos on their Signature Weapon as soon as they acquire the Signature Weapon.